We create drawings, produce animations, and facilitate learning experiences to help people understand complex situations & make better decisions. We love to teach these skills, too!
( Scroll down to learn more. )
We facilitate workshops using the principles of collaborative design and experiential learning.
Drawing from 20+ years of experience with MG Taylor DesignShop™ Methodology, Business Model Canvas, and Design Thinking.
“Visual facilitation” uses visual aids such as diagrams, charts, mind maps, and drawings during meetings, workshops, or brainstorming sessions to enhance understanding, stimulate creativity, and facilitate problem-solving.
Also known as “visual note-taking” or “scribing,” this involves creating visual summaries of meetings, presentations, or discussions in large-scale illustrations or digital images.
Sometimes, you need a video or animation to explain a tricky concept and make your story come to life… especially in this “video-first” media environment.
Small companies, government agencies, NGOs, large corporations, startups, authors, educators, and entrepreneurs must tell their stories and explain tricky concepts. These videos are used for internal communication, external marketing, education, and business development.
Murals & Chalkwalls
Created live with other humans, these emergent “knowledge walls” are built from input and ideas over several hours or days.
Journey Maps
& Timelines
An essential part of the design thinking process, journey maps visually represent a user’s path toward completing a goal. They are a tool to identify opportunities for improvement, highlight areas where user experience can be supported, and ultimately create better products and services.
Timelines are helpful for a group to record its history — or that of a specific industry or domain — as it designs for an unpredictable future.
Training & Coaching
Give yourself and your team the basic skills, knowledge, and confidence to create large drawings for group meetings, brainstorming sessions, community gatherings, and conferences.
Past participants include educators, healthcare workers, business consultants, financial analysts, social entrepreneurs, managers, facilitators, software developers, and kids.
PREREQUISITE: A desire and willingness to bring more visual thinking to your learning and working environments.
The Results
“To design is to communicate clearly by whatever means you can control or master.”
— Milton Glaser (1929 – 2020)